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Version: v1.6


Hangar project source code includes Unit tests & Validation tests.

Validation test

  1. Test the output of version, help message, etc.
  2. Run mirror & mirror-validate test first, mirror container images from public registry server to the Harbor private regitry server.
  3. Then run tests for save, load, load-validate, sync, compress, decompress etc commands.


  1. Clone the source code and build the executable binary:
    $ git clone && cd hangar
    $ make build
  2. Prepare a Harbor V2 Registry server.
  3. Setup environment variables.
    export SOURCE_REGISTRY="" # set to empty string
    export SOURCE_USERNAME="" # docker hub username (optional)
    export SOURCE_PASSWORD="" # docker hub password (optional)

    export DEST_REGISTRY="" # harbor registry url
    export DEST_USERNAME="" # harbor username
    export DEST_PASSWORD="" # harbor password

    If the Harbor v2 uses HTTP or insecure TLS certificate, set export TEST_SKIP_TLS="true" to skip tls verify.

Run tests in container

Run tests of all commands in container:

$ make test_all

Besides, you can run make test_[COMMAND_NAME] to test the command.

Need to run make test_mirror before running tests of other commands.

# mirror | mirror-validate command
make test_mirror

# save command
make test_save

# load | load-validate command
make test_load

# sync | compress | decompress command
make test_sync

# Test other commands...
make test_[COMMAND_NAME]

Unit test

Run unit tests in container:

$ make test