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Version: v1.7

Login & Logout

You need to execute hangar login for SOURCE REGISTRY (if images in source registry are private) and DESTINATION REGISTRY before copying images.


hangar login --help
Login to registry server

hangar login registry-url [flags]

hangar login

--authfile string path of the authentication file. Use REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE environment variable to override
--cert-dir string use certificates at the specified path to access the registry
--get-login Return the current login user for the registry
-h, --help help for login
-p, --password string Password for registry
--password-stdin Take the password from stdin
--retry-times int the number of times to possibly retry (default 3)
--timeout duration login timeout
--tls-verify require HTTPS and verify certificates
-u, --username string Username for registry
-v, --verbose Write more detailed information to stdout

Global Flags:
--debug enable debug output
--insecure-policy run Hangar without policy check


Login to docker hub
hangar login ""

Add --tls-verify=false option if the registry server is using insecure HTTPS certificate or HTTP.

hangar login "" --tls-verify=false

Hangar will check whether the destination registry is logged in when executing the mirror/load command, but it won't check whether the source registry is logged in or not.

Therefore, you need to login to the source registry if the images in source registry are private.

Use hangar logout to remove credentials of registry server.

Logout from docker hub
hangar logout ""