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Version: v1.8

Inspect the image manifest

hangar inspect command allows to inspect the container image manifest (similar to skopeo inspect).

Quick Start

Use --raw option to view the container image RAW manifest index of nginx image on docker hub:

hangar inspect --raw docker://nginx:latest

Use --config option to view the container image config manifest of nginx image on docker hub:

hangar inspect --config docker://nginx:latest


hangar inspect --help
Inspect provides basic functions of 'skopeo inspect' to inspect image manifest

hangar inspect IMAGR_REFERENCE [flags]

# Inspect image manifest:
hangar inspect [image-reference]

# Inspect RAW docker image maniefest:
hangar inspect docker:// --raw

--config output raw configuration
-h, --help help for inspect
--override-arch string use ARCH instead of the architecture of the machine for choosing images
--override-os string use OS instead of the running OS for choosing images
--override-variant string use VARIANT instead of the running variant for choosing images
--raw output raw manifest
--tls-verify require HTTPS and verify certificates (default true)

Global Flags:
--debug enable debug output
--insecure-policy run Hangar without policy check