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Version: v1.7

Load Command

The hangar load command loads images from zip archive file created by save command to registry server, it allows to upload container images to registry server without a public internet connection, and the load command can be used in Air-Gapped (offline) installation scenarios.


Hangar chaned to use the zip archive format from version v1.7.0.

You can still use the hangar v1.6.X to load the tar.gz format tarball.

Quick Start

  1. Use following command to load multiple container images from archive file created by save command to the destination registry server parallelly.


    hangar load \
    --file="example_image_list.txt" \
    --source="" \
    --destination=DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL \
    --arch=amd64,arm64 \
    --os=linux \
  2. If error occured when loading some images from the archive file, the load failed images will output to load-failed.txt by default.

    You can use the --failed option to specify the output file of the load failed images, and then use the --file option of hangar load command to upload only these failed images from the archive file.


    hangar load \
    --file="load-failed.txt" \
    --source="" \
    --destination=DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL \
    --arch=amd64,arm64 \
    --os=linux \

Harbor 2.X

Hangar will try to create private Harbor Project automatically on load command if the destination registry is harbor.

You need to create Harbor Project manually if Hangar can't create the project automatically, or the image will fail to copy.


hanagr load --help
Load images from zip archive created by 'save' command to registry server.

The load command will create Harbor V2 projects for destination registry automatically.

hangar load -s -d REGISTRY_SERVER [flags]
hangar load [command]

# Load images from to REGISTRY SERVER.
hangar load \
--file IMAGE_LIST.txt \
--source \
--destination REGISTRY_URL \
--arch amd64,arm64 \
--os linux

Available Commands:
validate Validate the loaded images, ensure images were loaded to registry server

-a, --arch strings architecture list of images (default [amd64,arm64])
-d, --destination string destination registry url
-o, --failed string file name of the load failed image list (default "load-failed.txt")
-f, --file string image list file (optional: load all images from archive if not provided)
-h, --help help for load
-j, --jobs int worker number,copy images parallelly (1-20) (default 1)
--os strings OS list of images (default [linux])
--project string override all destination image projects
--skip-login skip check the destination registry is logged in (used in shell script)
-s, --source string saved archive filename
--source-registry string override the source registry of image list
--timeout duration timeout when save each images (default 10m0s)
--tls-verify require HTTPS and verify certificates

Global Flags:
--debug enable debug output
--insecure-policy run Hangar without policy check

Use "hangar load [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Load from different architecture archives

This feature allows you to sequentially load container images from multiple archive files containing different architectures.

Here is an example:

  1. Prepare an image list file.

  2. Save images by different architectures.

    # Save AMD64 (x86_64) architecture images only
    hangar save -f example_image_list.txt -d -a amd64
    # Save ARM64 (aarch64) architecture images only
    hangar save -f example_image_list.txt -d -a arm64
  3. Load the amd64 (x86_64) architecture images from archive file first.

    hangar load -s -d DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL

    The manifest of the loaded images only contains the AMD64 architecture:

    hangar inspect docker://<DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL>/library/nginx:1.22 --raw | jq
    "schemaVersion": 2,
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
    "manifests": [
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
    "size": 1235,
    "digest": "sha256:7dcde3f4d7eec9ccd22f2f6873a1f0b10be189405dcbfbaac417487e4fb44c4b",
    "platform": {
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "os": "linux"
  4. Then load the arm64 (aarch64) architecture images from archive file.

    hangar load -s -d DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL

    Now the manifest of the loaded images contains both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures:

    hangar inspect docker://<DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL>/library/nginx:1.22 --raw | jq
    "schemaVersion": 2,
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json",
    "manifests": [
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
    "size": 1230,
    "digest": "sha256:66f1a9ae96f5a18068fcbd53e0171c78b40adffa3d70f565341eb453a34bb099",
    "platform": {
    "architecture": "arm64",
    "os": "linux",
    "variant": "v8"
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json",
    "size": 1235,
    "digest": "sha256:7dcde3f4d7eec9ccd22f2f6873a1f0b10be189405dcbfbaac417487e4fb44c4b",
    "platform": {
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "os": "linux"

Override the project name or source registry URL when loading images

Hangar load command provides some advanced options to customize the project name or source registry URL of the image list file when loading images.

You can use the --project option to override all destination image projects when loading images.

Here is an example:

  • The images in example archive file contains different projects (library and cnrancher).

    $ hangar archive ls -f
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Created time: 2023-11-31 00:00:00 +0800 CST
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Index version: v1.2.0
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Images:
    1 | | arm64,amd64 | linux
    2 | | amd64,arm64 | linux
  • Load all images in the archive file to the Docker Hub example user.

    $ hangar load -s "" -d "" --project="example"
    [16:00:00] [INFO] Arch List: [amd64,arm64]
    [16:00:26] [INFO] OS List: [linux]
    [16:00:32] [INFO] [IMG:2] Loading [] => []
    [16:00:32] [INFO] [IMG:1] Loading [] => []

You can use the --source-registry option to override the registry URL of the image list file when loading images from archive file with an image list file specified.

Here is an example:

  • The registry URL of images in the example file is

    $ hangar archive ls -f
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Created time: 2023-11-31 00:00:00 +0800 CST
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Index version: v1.2.0
    [15:58:34] [INFO] Images:
    1 | | arm64,amd64 | linux
    2 | | amd64,arm64 | linux
  • The registry URL of images in the example image list file is

  • You need to add --source-registry='' option when loading images from the archive file with the example.txt image list file specified.

    $ hangar load -f "example.txt" -s "" --source-registry="" -d "REGISTRY_URL"
    [16:00:00] [INFO] Arch List: [amd64,arm64]
    [16:00:00] [INFO] OS List: [linux]
    [16:00:00] [INFO] [IMG:2] Loading [] => [REGISTRY_URL/cnrancher/hangar:latest]
    [16:00:00] [INFO] [IMG:1] Loading [] => [REGISTRY_URL/library/nginx:latest]