Rancher Air-Gap Installation
This example will guide you to setup a multi-arch private image registry server for Rancher Air-Gapped installation.
You can follow the Rancher Air-Gapped Helm CLI Install to install Rancher in Air-Gapped environment.
Best Practice
Setup a private registry server to host the container images used by Rancher.
# In this example, we create a directory to store the container image layers.
mkdir -p registry
docker run -d \
-p 5000:5000 \
-v $(pwd)/registry:/var/lib/registry \
--name registry \
registry:2noteIt is recommended to reserve at least 100GB disk space for the registry server to store Rancher images.
Login to the private image registry.
hangar login 'localhost:5000' --tls-verify=false
noteBy default, the registry server can be login with any username and password.
You can configure the authentication config of the registry server by refer to Distribution Registry Token Authentication and setup the HTTPS certificate to use in production.
Download the Rancher image list file
from Rancher GitHub Release page.We use version
in this example.wget 'https://github.com/rancher/rancher/releases/download/v2.7.9/rancher-images.txt'
image list file contains both rancher core, charts, Kontainer Driver Metadata images (RKE, RKE2 and K3s images). -
In this example, we use
to generate the HTTPS certificate for Rancher, refer to the Rancher Collect the cert-manager image instruction to collect the cert-manager images intorancher-images.txt
image list file.helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io
helm repo update
helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.11.0
helm template ./cert-manager-v1.11.0.tgz | awk '$1 ~ /image:/ {print $2}' | sed s/\"//g >> ./rancher-images.txt -
If the server has public internet connection, use hangar mirror command to mirror both
container images from public registry server to your private image registry.#!/bin/bash
hangar mirror \
-f 'rancher-images.txt' \
-d 'localhost:5000' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5 \
--tls-verify=falseUse the hangar mirror validate command to verify the copied container images if necessary.
hangar mirror validate \
-f 'rancher-images.txt' \
-d 'localhost:5000' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5 \
--tls-verify=false -
If the server does not have public internet connection, use hangar save and hangar load command to copy container images to the private registry server.
# Save images into rancher-images.zip.
# Run these commands on a internet accessible machine.
hangar save \
-f 'rancher-images.txt' \
-d 'rancher-images.zip' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5
# Validate the saved images if necessary.
hangar save validate \
-f 'rancher-images.txt' \
-d 'rancher-images.zip' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5noteYou need to reserve enough disk space when downloading all images of Rancher. The size of the saved archive file may larger than 50GB.
It is recommended to reserve at least 80GB disk space.
The saved
archive file contains bothamd64
architecture container images.#!/bin/bash
# Load images from rancher-images.zip to the private image registry server.
# Run these commands on air-gapped machine.
hangar load \
-s 'rancher-images.zip' \
-d 'localhost:5000' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5 \
# Validate the loaded images if necessary.
hangar load validate \
-s 'rancher-images.zip' \
-d 'localhost:5000' \
--arch 'amd64,arm64' \
--os 'linux' \
--jobs 5 \
--tls-verify=false -
After setup the private image registry server used by Rancher, you can use this registry server to run RKE, RKE2 or K3s Kubernetes clusters.
In this example, we use K3s version v1.26.8+k3s1 to prepare the Kurbernetes cluster used by Rancher.
The rancher image list file
already contains K3s images, you do not need to copy K3s images into your private image registry again.Create the
configuration file by refer to K3s Private Registry Configuration.noteIn this example, we assume that the private image registry IP address was bind to the URL
.mkdir -p /etc/rancher/k3s
- "http://registry.example.com:5000"
- "http://registry.example.com:5000" -
Download the K3s
install script and binary file by refer to the guide of Air Gap install K3s, then install K3s.export INSTALL_K3S_SKIP_DOWNLOAD=true
export INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--system-default-registry=registry.example.com:5000"
./install.shYou also need to install kubectl and helm command line tools before installing Rancher.
You can execute following command to pull images from the private image registry server to ensure that the
config is working properly:k3s crictl pull registry.example.com:5000/rancher/mirrored-pause:3.6
Use following command to view pulled images from the private image registry:
$ sudo k3s crictl images
registry.example.com:5000/rancher/klipper-helm v0.8.2-build20230815 5f89cb8137ccb 90.9MB
registry.example.com:5000/rancher/local-path-provisioner v0.0.24 b29384aeb4b13 14.9MB
...... -
Install Rancher on K3s cluster by refer to the Rancher Air-Gapped Installation instruction page.
noteIn this example, we assume that the IP address of rancher server was bind to the URL
.Apply the cert-manager CRD and then install cert-manager Helm Chart.
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
kubectl apply -f cert-manager-crd.yaml
helm install cert-manager ./cert-manager-v1.11.0.tgz \
--namespace 'cert-manager' \
--set image.repository='registry.example.com:5000/jetstack/cert-manager-controller' \
--set webhook.image.repository='registry.example.com:5000/jetstack/cert-manager-webhook' \
--set cainjector.image.repository='registry.example.com:5000/jetstack/cert-manager-cainjector' \
--set startupapicheck.image.repository='registry.example.com:5000/jetstack/cert-manager-ctl'Then Download the Rancher Helm Chart file and install Rancher via Helm CLI.
kubectl create namespace cattle-system
helm install rancher ./rancher-2.7.9.tgz \
--namespace cattle-system \
--set replicas=1 \
--set bootstrapPassword="RancherForFun" \
--set hostname="rancher.example.com" \
--set rancherImage="registry.example.com:5000/rancher/rancher" \
--set systemDefaultRegistry="registry.example.com:5000" \
--set useBundledSystemChart=true # Use the packaged Rancher system charts -
Visit the rancher hostname (in this example is
) to access Rancher.The bootstrap password in this example is