Hangar Docker Image
Hangar docker images support both amd64
and arm64
Starting form v1.7.0
, the entrypoint of hangar image was changed to bash
instead of hangar
executable binary file.
docker pull cnrancher/hangar:${VERSION}
Execute hangar commands in the container:
docker run -v $(pwd):/hangar -it cnrancher/hangar:latest
Use the -c
option of the bash to execute the hangar commands.
docker run cnrancher/hangar -c "hangar help"
Integrate Hangar with CI
You can use cnrancher/hangar
docker image as base image to integrate hangar with CI, here is an example script:
# Login to the destination registry server
# (and source registry server if needed) before copy images.
--username="${USERNAME}" \
hangar mirror \
--file="/hangar/list.txt" \
--source="docker.io" \
--destination="[DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL]" \
--jobs=8 \
--failed="/hangar/mirror-failed.txt" \
# Check mirror-failed.txt
if [[ -e "mirror-failed.txt" ]]; then
echo "There are some images failed to copy:"
cat mirror-failed.txt
exit 1
# Validate the mirrored images (optional)
hangar mirror validate \
--file="/hangar/list.txt" \
--source="docker.io" \
--destination="[DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL]" \
--jobs=8 \
--failed="/hangar/mirror-validate-failed.txt" \
# Check mirror-validate-failed.txt
if [[ -e "mirror-validate-failed.txt" ]]; then
echo "There are some images failed to validate after mirror:"
cat mirror-validate-failed.txt
exit 1