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Version: v1.9

Hangar Docker Image

Hangar docker images support both amd64 and arm64 architectures.


Starting form v1.7.0, the entrypoint of hangar image was changed to bash instead of hangar executable binary file.

docker pull cnrancher/hangar:${VERSION}

Execute hangar commands in the container:

docker run -v $(pwd):/hangar -it cnrancher/hangar:latest

Use the -c option of the bash to execute the hangar commands.

docker run cnrancher/hangar -c "hangar help"

Integrate Hangar with CI

You can use cnrancher/hangar docker image as base image to integrate hangar with CI, here is an example script:

# Login to the destination registry server
# (and source registry server if needed) before copy images.
--username="${USERNAME}" \

hangar mirror \
--file="/hangar/list.txt" \
--source="" \
--destination="[DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL]" \
--jobs=8 \
--failed="/hangar/mirror-failed.txt" \

# Check mirror-failed.txt
if [[ -e "mirror-failed.txt" ]]; then
echo "There are some images failed to copy:"

cat mirror-failed.txt
exit 1

# Validate the mirrored images (optional)
hangar mirror validate \
--file="/hangar/list.txt" \
--source="" \
--destination="[DESTINATION_REGISTRY_URL]" \
--jobs=8 \
--failed="/hangar/mirror-validate-failed.txt" \

# Check mirror-validate-failed.txt
if [[ -e "mirror-validate-failed.txt" ]]; then
echo "There are some images failed to validate after mirror:"
cat mirror-validate-failed.txt
exit 1